MillsonJames Case Study – The Power of Leveraged Expertise


To access a client-ready version of this case study, click here –> MJ Case Study – The Power of Leveraged Expertise 2018

The Background

This organization had been struggling for several years with a vendor that offered a cobbled-together system, with lagging technology that “checked the box” in many areas and very limited benefits administration capability/expertise. This caused extra pressure on the part of the client and broker to clean up the mess after several unsuccessful Open Enrollments. The group did not trust the current vendor to grow with them as they planned to expand with future acquisitions. One area in particular they wanted to expand technology was around performance management and they knew the current vendor would not come close to meeting their needs. All in all, their current vendor was not meeting their needs and it was a rather poor HR experience for both the staff and the employees that they served. They knew change was necessary, but had no idea where to start and fell ill-equipped to explore the market on their own.

Our Approach

When we initially were introduced to the employer through their broker, we sought to understand the specific details of their current processes, their satisfaction level with the current vendor(s), and their capacity to implement a new system. After this initial meeting, it became crystal clear they needed an integrated and updated HCM solution that could be leveraged across the company. We then tapped into the extensive MillsonJames database of providers to understand which HCM companies could solve for their current needs, would do so within their expected budget, and provide exceptional support throughout the implementation and beyond. We presented the client with our detailed Market Assessment Summary (MAS), which provided very specific details for the various options available in the market. The client was thrilled that we could give the project a jumpstart in this manner since they simply did not have the time to do the research on their own.

The Solution

By virtue of our Unwavering Objectivity model, we walked through the MAS options with the client, specifically calling out how vendors could address their particular pain points around benefits and performance management. We then helped them narrow down the list based on what was most important to them, their wants and needs. Next, we followed them through the system demonstrations to help ensure that vendors were clearly articulating how they could meet the client’s needs as well as avoid any over-selling that tends to occur in these meetings. In this case, the preferred vendor had a best-in-class approach to technology which we helped the client understand in terms of comparing/contrasting to how their prior vendor offered a cobble- together solution. In the end, our process helped ensure that the implementation hit the ground running, with all parties on the same pages as to what was to be expected from the solution and support. The client couldn’t have been happier with the process, outcome, and this unique consulting service which was brought to them by their broker.

Company Profile

Mortgage Company 280 Employees Multi-State Locations Ft. Wayne, IN


Evolve and Automate Human Resources Processes Reduce Paper Replace Current Cobbled-Together System Automate Performance Management Improve Benefits Administration Carrier Feeds Client Quote: “We didn’t know where to start and saved so much time having MillsonJames involved in the process.”

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